-Responding in Love to Difficult Comments

Well sometimes comments can actually ruin your whole day. One of the hardest things to do as a Christian blogger is to respond in love to those who criticize and are down right mean and ornery to you in their comments.


(Image by miss miah via Flickr)

Sometimes when I’m responding to a reader’s comment on one of my blogs, the first thing I think of is ‘how would Jesus answer this one’.

On my worst days I have a picture in my mind of Jesus clearing the temple or telling the religious folks that they are really nothing more than ‘white washed graves‘. Then the Holy Spirit kicks in and I see Jesus teaching the ‘Golden rule’ and telling his disciples to love and pray for their enemies. 

In those moments I pray for wisdom and strength.

Some Suggestions on Responding to Difficult Comments 

1. Believe it or not Prayer does help. (Pray for wisdom and understanding)

2. Sometimes let a day or so go by. (Respond when you’re not quite so angry or hurt)

3. Don’t respond at all. (Some comments are so out-of-line that they hang themselves)

4. If you really did blow it you do need to magnanimously admit it.

5. If they are right –same as #4.

6. Sometimes commenters are just plain wrong and need to be corrected. (With as much love and care as you can muster)

7. Sometimes the best response is the ‘delete’ button. (It might even make your day)

Some of the meanest comments that I have ever received have surprisingly come from fellow Christians who completely forgot about grace. Nevertheless, if you are identified in some way as a Christian on the Internet than you really do need to respond in a way that reflects well upon your faith and your master Jesus.  Blessings.

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