Now for One of my Major 'Editing' Tips: –
When are you done with a post? Some contend that once it is posted that’s it! It is left to revolve around the blogosphere as it is forever. I disagree; for me, editing never ends:
A. Changing a Published Post:
Have you ever posted a brilliant blog at midnight only to find that the next morning it has turned into a pumpkin? That happens to me all the time. Guess what? I just change it!
Sometimes there may even be a couple of versions of my same blog circulating on different aggregators. Oh well! The current and best version can always be found on my blog for everyone to see.
On several occasions I have even noted that the post was ‘revised on —” since it was a substantial departure from the original.
B. Changing a Posted Title:
What about the title? There have even been a number of occasions when I blew it on the title. I have misspelled a word, left out one I intended to include, or maybe the title just didn’t cut it. What can you do then? A permalink has already been produced for the post.
No problem if your permalink is numbered, but what if the title is actually part of the link? It takes a little more care, but if you have WordPress you can change the title and leave the original permalink in place so you don’t lose any possible links to the post.
Blogging is not nuclear science and the consequences of changing a post are not earth shattering or life changing. Guess what, there’s no blogging police!
One sure way to improve your writing–always correct your mistakes. Editing is one of the most important parts of the blogging experience. For me, editing never ends. If you want to change one of your posts you certainly have my permission.
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