-Experiences in Blogging: "As Iron Sharpens Iron"

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." -Prov. 27:17

One of the more important reasons for Christians, especially pastors and ministers, to blog is what I call the "Iron Sharpens Iron" effect. As one posts articles and others stop by to comment, there is an ongoing sharing process that one cannot duplicate easily through other forums. Other Bible teachers and pastors will come aboard and drop a comment or two which actually in my experience helps to clarify and refine my own writing and teaching. The feedback can become a real blessing.

A few will drop by that you would just as soon ignore, and you always can if you want. There is no law that dictates that you must allow every comment to appear on your blog. Even those rejected comments can be a learning experience.

There are always those who drop by in order to publicize their own articles and site, sometimes not even bothering to engage your article or even read it for that matter. Then there are those who merely seem to be looking for an argument or a fight. To post or not to post? Sometimes I do and sometimes not. Usually it depends on whether they adequately addressed my article or not. Those too are learning experiences because you learn how not to comment on other blogs.

After you have been blogging for a while, you will begin to attract a following and in the process of discovering, reading, and commenting on other blogs, you could actually one day realize that you have become part of a blogging community that continually reads and comments on each others articles. That is a real blessing and the "Iron Sharpens Iron" effect really kicks in to your amazement and continual edification.   


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