From DailyBlogTips– by Donny: “10 Things Your Blog Doesn’t Need”
1. Auto-Music
2. Animated Gifs
3. Tiny Type
4. Comment Verification
5. Spelling & Grammar Errors
6. Badges of prizes and awards you won
7. Regurgitated Content
8. Flashy Backgrounds
9. Lies
10. Plagiarism
<<Read what the writer has to say about each one>>
Here’s my contribution- #11:
11. Cat on your Keyboard (I have this problem all the time)
Response: Several of these are pet peeves of mine. If you have ‘auto music’ I’m bailing out and never coming back –sorry! Can’t tell you how many otherwise good Christian websites are infected with auto-‘worship music’ whether you want it or not. Meanwhile it wakes up my wife who is still sleeping before I can back out of the site. Meanwhile animated gifs can be annoying even if they are cute for the first 100 or so flashes.
The only disagreement I have with the list—I actually like badges and awards. But it is probably best to put them on separate page designed for that purpose.
Otherwise, Christian blogs and websites should always seek the higher ground. Care should always be taken to be the best and display the best when it comes to spelling and grammar. I would hope that lies and plagiarism would not be a problem on Christian sites but unfortunately I have occasionally run across both.
In several instances supposed Christian sites have stolen articles from one of my blogs without a link or an attribution. Other times I have run across Christian blogs which print innuendoes, slander, and untruths about other ministers and ministries. Anything that cannot be 100% verified should never be printed. I don’t even allow slander and possible untruths to stand in the comments on my blogs. This type of behavior is unbecoming for brothers and sisters in Christ.
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